Quick discussions on any Oracle topic I feel like covering, and anything else going on in my life I care to share.

Monday, June 27, 2011


                Daydreaming is the act of mentally removing yourself from your present surroundings. While your body sits and lingers before a desk or typewriter, your mind wanders through the universe, transgressing the borders of time, space and reality.

                Daydreaming has historical precedence. Were it not for Julius Caesar's dreams of the conquest of foreign lands the Roman Empire would not have reached to the farthest corners of the Known World. Albert Einstein's theories began as a daydream of young Albert riding a beam of light through space. In fact, some of our civilization's greatest advances in engineering, medicine, and physics began with the conscious dream.

                Imagination is the key to creative dreaming. With even an average imagination, you can go anywhere, do anything – overcome anyone! Be courageous! Be daring! All from the relative safety of your armchair.

                There are good reasons for pursuing daydream activity. It allows you to escape the boredom and drudgery of a repetitive task for a few minutes, releasing the tension and stress that build up naturally. During a daydream, the pressures and worries of daily living are forgotten. Released from these distractions your mind pursues your work with renewed vigor.

                Your creative talent needs a daily workout. By flexing your mental muscles, your capacity to handle complex problems becomes greater. Your thinking becomes more resilient, continually seeking possible solutions, regardless of how bizarre many may seem. By giving flight to your fancy the improbable becomes possible. An intuitive leap may yield a new solution. These are the rewards for a few minutes spent daydreaming.

                The ability to daydream comes naturally. First you should get comfortable. Take off that stuffy jacket or sweater. Next, relax your body. Free your mind of the problems at hand. Tune out the world and tune into yourself, your feelings. Finally, let your imagination roam. Associate freely various thoughts and moods. Soon your mind will be exploring the deeper, subtle meanings behind the ordinary world we tend to take for granted.
Clipart Photo of a Military Paratrooper Coming In To Land

                Picture yourself in your new, bright red '84 Corvette, screaming up the highway toward northern Maine, where the moose hunting is best. Perhaps you've wondered what parachuting into the Super Bowl during half-time would be like. Take that jump! Or, you may enjoy a leisurely space walk with your astronaut buddies. Your imagination knows no bounds.

                Now you know what daydreaming is all about. What are you waiting for?! Loosen that tie and kick off your shoes! Now, give your imagination a good workout!

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